August 23, 2016


an EPIc fail for the public?

Have you heard about how Mylan just increased the price of their EpiPens to the tune of 460+%? Seems almost shades of that piece-of-work CEO who bought a longstanding drug that was needed by a small segment of the population... but then screwed them over by jacking up its cost 7000 fold.

Apparently, greed is still here to stay, sadly. ;(

Even with this drug suppliers' unfortunate increase of this life-saving drug (along with a huge uptick in their own already hefty salaries...), we here at PortaPocket still offer you the same useful products you've come to count on and appreciate...and at consistent pricing that won't break your wallet... for almost 9 years now. For us, it's all about putting good things out into the the true spirit of making life better. We will never put profits over purpose.



June 11, 2016


Happy Cinco de Mayo!

May 5, today. Helloooo Mexico! May you all enjoy the celebrations :) 

For those who'd like a refresher, here's the scoop about this day.

Fiesta ON!!


April 12, 2016


is THIS the year??

Spring training is done and Opening Day has just kicks off our Spring Fever and the CUBS just won a cone-from-behind home opener on Monday! 

After over 100 years of a championship drought, is 2016 the magical year when EVERYthing changes? It's been a long road for us Chicago fans, but optimism is our middle name and we've stuck through all these lean years, no matter what. But it's been no easy trip, especially lately. 

The good news is... change is in the air and we can FEEL it! 6 wins to start off the 2016 campaign is a positive...only 155 games to go ;)

See you at the World Series Parade?

Stay tuned!! 


March 31, 2016


SPRING forward...!

To all the movers and shakers and early adopters out there...

Spring is in the air. :))  It's a new season, so Isn't it refreshing to know that we don't have to be beholden to clothing designers who seem to think how we LOOK is all that matters? What about what our clothes DO? (besides from keeping us from being totally naked ;)) ... Why oh why do they seem to ignore our continual need for truly functional pockets?

We have joined the chorus of voices that will not be silenced and refuse to fall under the spell of a 'Fashion First' philosophy.  Savvy people, Unite! It's time to make some simple changes that will make your life easier.  Although it may seem like a small ripple at first, it can build to a tidal wave of positive change.

Try it now.

And never go back.








February 22, 2016


Getting Red Carpet Ready?

The Oscars are coming!  And with it, an excessively long and drawn out awards ceremony that almost certainly leaves some starlets a bit starved for some food (if not attention ;).

A delectable dinner's divine, but when served much too late, it leaves Hollywood stomachs rumbling and a feeling of can't-we-just-get-this- over-with itis. Stop the madness!

Your secret weapon's locked and loaded... and delivers that sugar punch when you need it most.  See


February 15, 2016


Happy Presidents Day / Grammys night / 1-day after Valentine's!

My oh my...SO much to little time! ;)


Hope you all enjoyed the fun last weekend, and (perhaps) a work-free Monday :)

We'll be watching the Grammys tonight... seeing if maybe LL Cool J has to take a selfie (where IS he putting that giant smartphone, exactly?) ...or perhaps Taylor Swift has a mic pack fly off mid-set or! (she'd obviously need to get hooked up to PortaPocket, then... STAT!

It's always enjoyable to see and hear the fab tunes of today, and realize the joy that artists bring us. So who are you rooting for this eve? ...May your favorites win!




February 07, 2016


Having a SUPER Sunday?

It's Super Bowl Sunday in the USA!  

Who do you think will win?  It's Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos vs the upstart Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers. For me, it's a toss up and a game I really don't mind who comes out on top. Just as long as it's competitive and fun to watch :)

Even though my fav team the Bears are out this year, at least both teams on the field today have some Bears connection, having been previously coached by our current Head, John Fox! ;) And of course there's Ron Rivera. Now the successful 3-time NFC South Champion Head Coach of the Panthers, he was also one of the famed Super Bowl XX Champion 1985 Chicago Bears.

But maybe the 'winner' will actually be the commercials...because everyone knows the advertisers spend BIG bucks outdueling each other to see who has the best spot. ;)

Or, how about the winner is YOU. Because now you can always hands-free carry what you NEED, so you never have to lose your important items again...AND you can get into the stadiums despite the NFL Bag Ban.  woo hoo!!!!  It's #PortaPocket ...for the WIN!! xoxo

January 19, 2016


Throw me that EpiPen...STAT! (drama @ Australian Open)

News for the Australian Open comes word that a spectator collapsed while watching the match. Potentially had an anaphylactic shock. This is what happened next:

@HaydnHenderson was down below us so couldn't really see, apparently had she a seizure though - luckily someone in the crowd had an epipen
Play stops and medic called for at Hisense Arena. Epipen being thrown from the other side of the arena to help! #AusOpen @FOXSportsNews
Epipen thrown through 3 sets of hands from top of Hisense Arena to reach collapsed spectator #AusOpen fans really are world's best..she's ok
Another eventful shift at Hisense. Patrons services Staff should be praised how they handled the situation. Whoever threw the epipen
Whether she ultimately needed the meds or not...goes to show the importance of ALWAYS being prepared.
Don't leave home without wearing what you NEED.


January 14, 2016


An ode to Ziggy Stardust

Learning of David Bowie's passing brought back memories of a different age. It was an age of innocence and creativity. It was my teen years. And David Bowie sang to me, no matter how hard my day or how difficult navigation was through all those adolescent minefields. He would always bring me joy.

So hard to fathom this singular talent is no longer with least in this life as we know it. But we are blessed to have witnessed his colorful characters over the years, and are privileged to hold onto his art... in our hearts and our minds.

Life is short.
But his legacy lives.

Ground Control yearns for you.

God speed, Major Tom.



November 24, 2015


to our daughters...

They grow up soooo fast...

Just the other day, my just-turned 11 year old 5th grader had a program in school presented by the Robert Crown Center for Health Education. I think it's excellent that schools include workshops that give girls information and suggestions on how to cope during these nuanced times. Young girls often feel a little uncertain about the changes going on in their bodies and can feel a little self conscious. 

I remember how my friends and I used to hide a tampon or pad up our sleeve or stashed it in a pencil case during those times of the month...not really the best way at times ;/ Just my luck to have it fail me at the most inopportune time... like when the boy I had a crush on was around! 

Now at least I can have my daughter confident that she'll never have to endure these vagaries of childhood and enjoy more peace of mind. Perhaps Robert Crown Centers will share our practical solution with other school girls so they can enjoy the benefits, too.

What did you do to carry your fem hygiene products when you were in school?
How did  that work out for you?
Please let us know and comment below ~ 

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